Privacy Policy

Goldlink Insurance Plc (Goldlink) is committed to ensuring that the privacy and personal information of its clients and employees (data subjects) are protected. Goldlink is the entity that collects and processes your personal information and the responsibility is not outsourced to any third party. Goldlink is also responsible for complying with extant Nigerian and applicable international laws on data protection. For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, references to Goldlink or the Company shall mean Goldlink Insurance Plc.
By providing the data subject’s personal information or the personal information of a beneficiary from the data subject’s policy, the data subject acknowledges that Goldlink may only use the information in the manner specified in this Privacy Policy.
There may be a need to update this policy periodically, for example as a result of government regulation, new technologies or other developments on data protection and / or privacy laws.

The following roles are defined for the purpose of this policy:
Data Subject: is an identifiable person; one who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity and includes Goldlink’s clients, customers, business partners and employees.
Data Administrator: means a persons or organization that processes data. For the purpose of this policy, Goldlink Insurance Plc is the Data Administrator.
Data Controller: means a person who either alone, jointly with other persons or in common with other persons or as a statutory body determines the purposes for and the manner in which personal data is processed or is to be processed. For the purpose of this policy, the Managing Director is the Data Controller or whoever he so delegates.
Data Protection Officer: is appointed by the data controller to ensure that the strategy and implementation of data protection requirements are in compliance with the data protection policy and the relevant extant laws. For the purpose of this policy.
Responsibilities of the Data Administrator, Data Controller and Data Protection Officer are clearly outlined in the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (2019).

1.     Introduction
When Goldlink collects and processes the personal information of its data subjects, the company ensures it adheres to strict controls to ensure that personal data of the data subject is obtained and used in line with the company’s privacy principles. Goldlink handles personal data with the greatest care and use it only for legitimate and specified business purposes under the following principles:

  1. Goldlink respects the privacy rights of its employees, customers, clients, business partners and other individuals whose personal data are in its custody and
  2. Goldlink protects personal data by implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures in our data processing
  3. Goldlink obtains personal data fairly and only use it for legitimate business
  4. Goldlink holds itself accountable for demonstrating compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements and understanding of our roles and

All personal information collected by Goldlink is processed in accordance with the extant data protection laws in Nigeria.


2.     Type of Information Processed by Goldlink
The precise nature of the personal data Goldlink processes depends on data subject’s relationship with the company. However, in many cases, if the Company is handling the data subject’s personal data as part of its role as an insurer, the Company may process the following:

details, Drivers’ License, Voter’s card details, etc.

email, address, and phone number.


3.     Requirement for Consent


4.     Reasons for use and process of data by Goldlink


5.     Methods of Collecting Private Information

Provided that in the case of data obtained from third parry source, a copy of the data subject’s consent given to the third party to transfer the data to Goldlink shall suffice for the company’s use and processing.

6.     Goldlink’s Use of Cookies

Such declaration will be in clear and plain language. For children’s personal data, consent will be sought from their legal guardian.

7.     Social Media Platforms
7.1. The data subject may wish to participate in various blogs, forums, and other social media platforms hosted by Goldlink (“Social Media Platforms”) which are made available to the data subject. The main aim of these Social Media Platforms is to facilitate and allow the data subject share content. However, the company cannot be held responsible if the data subject shares personal information on Social Media Platforms that is subsequently used, misused or otherwise appropriated by another user. The data subject is required to consult the Privacy Statements of such services before using them.

8.     Third Party Access and Purpose of Access

8.2. Disclosures to Third Parties

The above disclosures to the third party shall be made only to the extent necessary for the specific purpose for which the data is provided and the third party shall be informed of the confidential nature of such information and shall be directed to keep the data subject’s information strictly confidential.

9.     Lawful Processing of Personal Data

The following table contain breakdown of lawful grounds which Goldlink relies on for processing personal information of its clients:

  Purpose for collection and processing of data subject’s personal information Collectable Personal information includes but not limited to the ones set out below Legal grounds for processing personal information


To review an insurance proposal and provide a quote in respect of the proposal.

Contact details, age, age of other persons included on the policy (e.g. employees, family members, etc.)
Information on the subject of insurance such as landed property, vehicles, past claims, recent damage, business premises, etc.
Information  on  travel  plans including           destination, duration of stay, travel dates, etc.
Information   on   nature   of commercial enterprise and assets.
Sensitive personal information such as health records.
Any other information relevant to the request.

The    use     described     is necessary for provision of insurance cover.
Where sensitive personal information is requested, exemptions may be applied for insurance purposes.


To provide and manage insurance policies. To evaluate eligibility for, process and pay claims.

Contact details, age, age of other persons included on the policy (e.g. employees, family members, etc.)
Information   on   subject   of insurance such as landed property, vehicles, past claims, recent damage, business premises, etc.
Information  on  travel  plans including           destination, duration of stay, travel dates, etc.
Information on the nature of commercial enterprise and assets.
Sensitive personal information such as health records.

The use described is necessary for provision of insurance cover.
Where sensitive personal information is requested, exemptions may be applied for insurance purposes.


For          data          subject’s communication and resolution of complaints.

Contact details and any information relevant to the policy.

The use described is required to provide the insurance cover and to resolve any legitimate concerns. Where sensitive personal information is requested, it may be necessary for the exercise and defense of Goldlink’s legal rights, where the client has provided consent or where we have applied and obtained exemption for insurance purposes.


To evaluate insurance applications and data subject’s ability to pay premiums in
instalments or as at when due.

Contact details, bank account details, collateral information

Necessary      to      provide insurance cover.


To prevent, detect and investigate fraud. This may include collection of biometric information such as voice prints.

Contact details, age, age of other persons included on the policy (e.g. employees, family members, etc.)
Information about possessions such as landed property, vehicles, past claims, recent damage, business premises, etc.
Information     about     travel plans including destination, duration of stay, travel dates, etc.
Information  about  nature  of commercial enterprise and assets.
Information  available  in  the public domain such as social media.
Sensitive personal information such as biometrics (i.e. voice print).

Necessary to provide insurance cover and a legitimate business need to prevent fraud.
Where sensitive personal information is requested, it may be necessary for the exercise and defense of Goldlink’s legal rights, where the data subject has provided consent or where we have applied and exemption for insurance purposes.


For the purpose of recovering debt.

Contact details, bank account details, collateral information.

Where there is a legitimate business need for debt recovery.
Where   sensitive   personal
information is requested, the use described is necessary forestablishing, exercising or defending the legal rights of Goldlink Insurance.


For the purpose of our own information                systems management           including; management of business processes such as maintaining financial and accounting records, analysis of financial results, internal and external audit requirements, receiving professional advice (e.g. tax or legal advice). We develop policies and security systems to ensure security and effective
operation of our systems.

Information  about  the  client including name, residential / office address, email address, telephone number, age and the age of other person(s) included on the policy (family members, business partners, employees).
Sensitive personal information about health or beneficiaries’ health.

Goldlink Insurance has a legitimate business need to use its client’s personal information to understand its business,                monitor performance and maintain appropriate records.
Where sensitive personal information is provided, the information is used to determine if an exemption should be applied for Insurance purposes.


For research and analytical purposes and to improve our products and services.

Contact details, age, age of other persons included on the policy (e.g. employees, family members, etc.)
Information about possessions such as landed property, vehicles, past claims, recent damage, business premises, etc.
Information     about     travel plans including destination, duration of stay, travel dates, etc.
Information  about  nature  of commercial enterprise and assets.
Sensitive personal information such as health records.

Research and data analytics are conducted for service improvement purposes in the interest of the data subject.
Where sensitive personal information is provided, Goldlink may apply an exemption for insurance purposes where appropriate.


Compliance with legal and / or regulatory obligations

Details about the data subject, other related parties, specific product required by the data subject, service or benefit, depending on the
nature of the obligation.

Necessary for Goldlink Insurance Plc to comply with Legal and Regulatory obligations.


Providing    improved    quality, training    and    security    (for example, with respect to recorded or monitored phone calls to our contact numbers);
technology may include voice analytics

Details about our clients and other related parties, product or service having been discussed with the client or representative during a
telephone conversation with Goldlink Insurance Plc.

The use described is required for   Legal   and   Regulatory compliance.


Providing marketing information to Goldlink clients including information about other products and services and undertaking customer surveys in accordance with preferences communicated by the data

Name, contact details and marketing preference.

Data subject’s consent.


Determination of employability, background check up, academic records verification, and employee surveys and other HR processes requiring personal identifiers.

Name, contact details, academic records, health background / information, Marital status, criminal history record, Biometric details, Academic records, and

To determine employability and to improve employee wellbeing,            insurance contracts and regulatory demands.


10.  Foreign Transfer of Personal Data

The data subject shall have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards for data protection in the foreign country.

11.   Length of time for keeping client personal information
The length of time for storing data subject’s personal information shall be in line with Goldlink’s Data Retention Schedule in its Retention policy. This includes keeping the data subject’s information for a reasonable period of time as stated in the Retention policy after the data subject’s relationship with the company or its client has ended and particularly for statistical analysis, pricing and risk modelling purposes.
In certain instances, Goldlink will minimize personal data; or de-identify data for use in statistical or analytical activities. This is undertaken in accordance with the data protection laws.


12.   Data Subject’s Rights

Data subjects can enforce the above rights by sending an email to or The Data Controller is obligated to act on the request of the data subject without delay. In the event that the Data Controller does not take action on the request of the Data Subject, the Data Controller shall within one month of receipt of the request, inform the data subject of the reasons why the request has not been actioned.
The exercise of the rights listed above shall be in conformity with constitutionally guaranteed principles of Law for the general protection and enforcement of fundamental rights.

14.   Marketing


15.   Audit and Enforcement of the Data Protection Policy
15.1.     The Internal Audit Department of the Company shall conduct the audit of the privacy and data protection practice, in accordance with the extant Data protection regulation and the Data Protection Officer shall be responsible for monitoring compliance with the regulation.

16.  Remedies for Violation of Data Protection Policy and the Timeframe for Remedy
16.1. In the event of violation of this policy, the data controller shall within 15 days redress the violation. Where the violation pertains to the disclosure of the data subject’s information without his/her consent, such information shall be retracted immediately and confirmation of the retraction sent to the data subject within 48 hours of the redress.
Where the violation is caused by any representative of the data controller, such representative shall be subject to appropriate sanction.

17.   Contact details of the Data Controller and Data Protection Officer
Goldlink’s Data Controller and Data Protection Officer can be contacted via the following details:
Delineate a data controller from a data processor.

Goldlink insurance Plc,
6, Emmanuel Street, Maryland, Lagos